Jim Savage, Michael Betancourt and Shoshana Vasserman
17 March 2017
This post illustrates how to fit aggregate random coefficient logit models (often called BLP) in Stan, using Bayesian techniques. It’s far easier to learn and implement than the BLP algorithm, and has the benefits of being robust to mis-measurement of market shares, and giving limited-sample posterior uncertainty of all parameters (and demand shocks). This comes at the cost of an additional assumption: we employ a parametric model of how unobserved product-market demand shocks affect prices, thereby explicitly modeling the endogeneity between prices and observed consumer choices, whose biasing effect on estimates classical BLP uses instrumental variables to resolve. Because we specify the full generative model, instrumental variables are not strictly needed (though they can certainly still be incorporated).
A common problem in applied economics, especially in industrial organization or marketing, is that a decision maker wants a good model of how individual customers make purchase decisions, but has data only at the aggregate level.
Let’s give examples of the sort of problem we’re trying to solve.
Example 1: Regulating a merger
First is the classic merger problem: a regulator is be interested in whether a merger will hurt customers, as might be the case if
- The merging firms offer similar products that appear to be in close competition, and few other options exist. And
- Marginal economies of scale from the merger are small.
Let’s focus on the first problem. The regulator really needs to know whether the customers of the two firms’ products perceive the products as being similar—that is, in genuine competition with one another. This is a harder task than it might appear on the surface, as many goods might look similar to an outside regulator but are really quite different. A mid-range Mercedes Benz might have similar specifications to a Toyota, but is perceived by customers as being a different product.
Ideally the regulator would have sales-level data for each customer, their purchase decisions, and second choices. But this might be impossible to get. Yet it is quite straightforward to purchase aggregate sales data at the product-market level from market research firms. So the regulator has to make do with that.
Example 2: A manager considering a new product or a new market
Managers ideally want to create goods and products where there is a strong latent demand but little competition. To do this, they need to understand the distribution of customers’ preferences over product characteristics, illustrated in the figure below by the blue contours. The manager should also understand the distribution of of competitors’ (and their own) products on those same characteristics. These are illustrated as points in the figure below. A manager might then decide to enter a market by offering a product with characteristics that customers value but where few competing products exist.
Such analysis might be quite straightforward when the manager has access to customer-transaction-level data of their competitors, but this is not feasible in most cases. Instead, they need to make do with the sorts of aggregate data available from the same research houses in the example above.
A generative model of consumer choice
These examples above have the same objective: we want to perform analysis that requires knowing about the distribution of customer preferences. And both problems face the same major constraint: we don’t observe transaction-level data for all products–we only observe aggregate sales in each market. Moreover, the most valuable aspects of consumer preferences are relative, not absolute - e.g. a manager would be interested not just in whether a particular product would sell, but how well it would sell at different price points. How much would consumers be willing to pay for a new product, and how much would that affect the prices and sales of existing products?
Even with very fine data and a few frequently purchased products, this is a difficult question to answer. It requires inferring how consumers would substitute one good for another across a range of prices for each good—the sheer number of combinations of possibilities that could be relevant is too high to even conceive of, let alone observe in data. Of course, we don’t actually have to observe every possible combination of products and prices to have a predictive model of substitution patterns that performs pretty well. We just need a tractable, flexible generative model that can smooth out the space of possibilities in a sensible way.
One extremely flexible model is the aggregate random coefficients logit model. In this model, customer in market has preferences over product such that their total utility is
This says that each consumer receives utility, , from good according to its price, , its characteristics, , some systematic “demand” or “quality” shock applicable to all customers in market , , and some iid shock, . There are a couple of very important things to notice about this utility function:
- We don’t observe or . Because is normally interpreted as “quality” or a “demand shock”, we assume that it is correlated with price.
- In this specification, each customer has their own preferences over price and product characteristics. The joint distribution of and is the distribution of structural parameters we care about. It tells us what combinations of product characteristics and prices customers like, as well as how we expect their utility from a product to vary when the product characteristics or price change.
- We make the assumption that is distributed according to a Gumbel distribution. This is a convenience that allows us to use a softmax function for the probabilities of purchase. The parameterization of the Gumbel doesn’t actually matter so long as all products, customers and markets have the same location and scale parameters. Once we introduce the outside good below, we assume that the expected value of utility for the outside good is 0. This is equivalent to setting and to 0 for the outside good and the location of the Gumbel to (Euler’s constant, about -.58).
Introducing an outside good
In the model, a customer purchases whichever good gives them the highest utility. This means we only care about relative utility, not absolute utility. We could add 4 or 200 to all products’ utilities, and customer choices would remain the same. This necessitates us introducing an “outside good” (with an expected utility of 0), which serves as a reference point against which all other utilities are measured. We make the assumption that it has sales equal to the potential size of the market (which we don’t know) less the sales of the goods for which we have data.
From individual utilities to individual probabilities of purchase
Under the above assumptions, it is possible to derive the probability that an individual will purchase good . This derivation is in Train (2003)—we’ll spare you from it here. Individual purchase probabilities are just the probability that a good’s associated utility is the highest of all available good (including the outside good).
Where the denominator includes the expected value of the utility of the outside good .
Generating aggregate sales data from the model
Because this is a generative model, there is a clear mapping between our economic model (above) and the observed data. But first, what exactly is the observed data? We have the inputs, prices , and observed product characteristics . Using these variables and the unknowns , , fixed at some values, we should be able to generate the outcomes, —the sales of each good in each market (some researchers use market shares instead of sales; we prefer sales as described below).
But how do the data come about? If a customer’s probability of choosing to purchase a given object is given by a combination of the product knowns and the unknowns of the model, then the market shares of each product will, for a large number of customers, be the integral of the individual probability model over the preference space. This sounds difficult, but is really quite simple: each customer has a probability of purchasing each good. If we have values for the unknowns of the model (and the model is correct) we know the probability of customer making each purchase. We can calculate market shares as the average of these probabilities over many customers. Note that because the probability model is non-linear, this is different to the probabilities implied by the softmax function at the average values of .
What have we done? We’ve gone from a model of individual choice making to implied market shares of heterogeneous goods. This is often where researchers’ models stop (in the famous BLP case, is backed out to set implied market shares to actual market shares). But we want to be able to deal with measurement error—the fact that given some true market shares for each good , our data has been collected with error giving us estimates . We make the assumption that true market shares map to observed sales (which are observed with error) through a multinomial distribution with a given market size.
Modeling price
A major difference between our model and other approaches is to model the demand shock as an explicit random variable, about which we want to perform inference. The approach we take is to model it as a latent factor, whose value is revealed partly in utilities (and market shares), and partly in prices or any other endogenous product characteristics (Petrin and Train (2010) propose a similar control function approach and show how it can substitute for IVs). This requires that we model the functional form of the true price-generating process. Here we’ll make the assumption that the natural log of prices is a linear function of product characteristics and the latent factor.
Note that this need not be the full specification for price. BLP and its followups incorporate a structural model of price setting, in which prices are set as firms’ profit maximizers in an economic model of price competition (the model typically used is one of Nash equilibrium in Differentiated Product Bertrand Competition). Firms are assumed to observe the demand function that we are estimating and to choose prices optimally in response to their competitors’ optimal pricing decisions. Prices are therefore specified as the simultaneous solutions of the firms’ profit function first order conditions.
We could do the same here. The effect would be semi-parametric identification of the firms’ cost functions. Optimal pricing depends both on the population demand function and on firms’ costs of production. Conceptually what the structural model of pricing does is to assume that not only are consumers making purchasing decisions to maximize their utilities given posted prices, but also, the posted prices that are observed and the quantities sold are set in equilibrium - precisely where the supply curve meets the demand curve (remember that graph from econ 101?).
If we know the shape of the demand curve, then we can use the observations of price-quantity pairs in our data to trace out the supply curve (giving us an idea of the production cost function). In classical BLP we’d be doing this ‘tracing’ procedure entirely on the basis of the theoretical model of optimal price setting. To do this within a fully generative model, we would need to account for the error in the optimal price setting (that is, since we don’t believe that firms choose their prices by literally taking first order conditions, but rather follow some qualitative/quantitative procedures that allow them to approximate the optimum in equilibrium, we need to take the approximation error into account). Employing a parametric specification of price (such as the lognormal function of observed characteristics and a latent factor as we propose here) on top of the FOC specification can do just that. Moreover, incorporating the latent factor as an explicit parameter in price-setting allows us to model the endogeneity that would otherwise result in poor estimates.
Estimating the model from aggregate market-level data
At a high level, the trick to estimating this model is to estimate the the distribution of the individual-level coefficients, rather than the actual individual-level coefficients (which we obviously cannot estimate from aggregate data). We do this by reformulating the utility model in terms of fixed and random utility, and passing in the individual random effects as data.
First, express utility in terms of a fixed and random portion:
is a row vector of independent draws from some distribution, normally a unit normal, and is the lower triangular Cholesky factorization of , which is a covariance matrix. To be clear, is the covariance matrix of variations in across customers. If the element of corresponding to price and product characteristic 3 is negative, it means that customers who are more less sensitive to price (assuming all are negative, those whose s are closer to 0) tend to derive less utility from characteristic 3. Good estimates of are what give us good estimates of the distribution of preferences, which is what we ultimately want.
Note that if we have information about how markets differ from one another (for instance their demographics), we could include that information in the random effects part of the model.
Given this structure, we can estimate the structural parameters (and demand shocks) using the following method:
- Draw a matrix independent shocks , for some large number . We normally use the same shocks for every market.
- For a given draw of the structural parameters , for each market for each calculate and hence .
- Aggregate individual probabilities into predicted market shares
- Model and as described above.
Steps 2 and 3 occur in every iteration (or, if you are using HMC, every leapfrog step) of your model estimation.
Part 2: Fake data simulation
Astute readers will be aware that we always recommend simulating fake data with known parameters for a model. Here we do precisely that. All fake data simulation is in R. The comments should describe what’s going on here.
# Dimensions of the data.
NS <- 500 # 500 fake customers in each market
J <- 10 # 10 products
T <- 50 # 20 markets
P <- 3 # 3 covariates
# structural parameters
alpha <- -1
lambda <- .8
beta <- rnorm(P)
# Create a covariance matrix of the individual-level parameters
scales <- seq(from = .2, to = .9, length.out = P+1)
# Generate a random correlation matrix
XX <- matrix(rnorm(4*6), 6, 4)
Omega <- cor(XX)
Sigma <- diag(scales) %*% Omega %*% diag(scales)
# Product characteristics matrix
X <- matrix(rnorm(J*P), J, P)
# Easier to use if we repeat it for each market. We can have different
# characteristics (like advertising) in each market
X_long <- do.call(rbind, replicate(T, X, simplify = F))
# structural shocks and price
xi <- rnorm(T*J, 0, 1)
xi_mat <- matrix(xi, T, J, byrow = T)
gamma <- rnorm(P)
P2 <- 3 # number of instruments
gamma2 <- rnorm(P2)
Z <- matrix(rnorm(P2*J*T), J*T, P2)
# The generative model for price
price <- exp(0 + lambda*xi + X_long %*% gamma + rnorm(T*J, 0, 0.5))
price_mat <- matrix(price, T, J, byrow = T)
# Market size
market_size <- round(rpois(T, 30000))
# Deltas (the fixed part of utility for each product)
delta <- alpha*price + X_long %*% beta + xi
delta_mat <- matrix(delta[,1], T, J, byrow = T)
# random shocks. (alpha_shocks, beta_shocks) = z_t
z <- matrix(rnorm(NS*(P+1)), NS, P+1)
# Empty market shares. Mat is for the observed products; sales is for all goods including the outside good
shares_mat <- matrix(NA, T, J)
sales <- matrix(NA, T, J+1)
# Loop through each matrix and generate sales for each product
for(i in 1:T) {
# Latent utility matrix
utility <- matrix(NA, NS, J)
# Create the random component of the (alpha, beta) vector
random_effects <- z %*% chol(Sigma)
# monte carlo integration
for(n in 1:NS){
utility[n,] <-t( exp(delta_mat[i,] + cbind(price_mat[i,], X) %*% random_effects[n,]))
utility[n,] <- utility[n,]/(1 + sum(utility[n,]))
shares_mat[i,] <- colMeans(utility)
# Now we're going to observe the shares with measurement error
# Last column is the outside good
sales[i,] <- rmultinom(1, market_size[i], c(shares_mat[i,], 1 - sum( shares_mat[i,])))
It should be pointed out that here and are correlated. This should introduce endogeneity problems in the model.
Part 3: Writing out the model in Stan
Below we implement the model described above in Stan.
A couple of things to look out for in the code:
- We pass in as two sets of shocks, one for and one for . There’s no good reason for this.
- We stack , a characteristic matrix, times. In the DGP above, we assume that a product has the same characteristics in each market. In reality, we would assume that things like advertising would vary across markets.
- Although we simulate the price above with instruments, below we don’t use the instruments at all for estimation of the model.
// our Stan model, saved as vsb.stan
// first we define the function that takes data and parameters and returns predicted market shares
functions {
// calculates shares for a given market
row_vector shares(real alpha, vector beta, matrix bigX, matrix Sigma, row_vector xi, matrix z) {
matrix[rows(z), cols(xi)] utilities;
matrix[rows(z), cols(xi)] probs;
row_vector[cols(xi)] shares;
// 1. Rather than pass in p and x separately, we'll pass in bigX = append_col(p, X)
// 2. append alpha_shock, beta_shock
matrix[rows(z), cols(xi)] tmp;
tmp = rep_matrix((bigX*append_row(alpha, beta) + xi')', rows(z));
// replace the append_col wing single values (might speed things up)
utilities = exp(tmp + z * cholesky_decompose(Sigma)' * bigX');
for(i in 1:rows(z)) {
probs[i] = utilities[i]/(1 + sum(utilities[i]));
for(j in 1:cols(probs)) {
shares[j] = mean(col(probs, j));
// next define our data
data {
int NS; // number of individuals in integration
int J; // number of products
int T; // number of markets
int P; // number of features
matrix[NS, P+1] z; // normal(0,1) draws of the shocks
matrix[T, J] price; // price for each unit
int sales[T, J+1]; // unit sales across T markets for J+1 products (inc outside good)
matrix[T*J, P] X_repeat; // T Xs stacked on top of each other. This format allows characteristics to vary across markets.
// next join the product data together into single matrices
transformed data {
matrix[T*J, P+1] bigX;
bigX = append_col(to_vector(price'), X_repeat);
// define parameters
parameters {
real alpha;
vector[P] beta;
vector[P] gamma;
real gamma0;
real<lower = 0> price_scale;
matrix[T, J] xi;
vector<lower = 0>[P+1] scales;
corr_matrix[P+1] Omega;
real lambda;
transformed parameters {
cov_matrix[P+1] Sigma;
Sigma = quad_form_diag(Omega, scales);
// and the model
model {
// priors
alpha ~ normal(0, 1);
beta ~ normal(0, 1);
gamma0 ~ normal(0, 1);
gamma ~ normal(0, 1);
price_scale ~ normal(0, 1);
lambda ~ normal(0, 1);
to_vector(xi) ~ normal(0, 2);
scales ~ inv_gamma(2,1);
Omega ~ lkj_corr(4);
// model of price -- this helps pin down xi
to_vector(price') ~ lognormal(gamma0 + X_repeat * gamma + lambda * to_vector(xi'), price_scale);
// model of sales
matrix[T, J+1] pred_shares;
for(t in 1:T) {
// predicted market shares given data and parameters
pred_shares[t,1:J] = shares(alpha, beta, bigX[(t*J-J+1):(t*J)], Sigma, xi[t], z);
pred_shares[t,J+1] = 1 - sum(pred_shares[t,1:J]);
// sales are measured with multinomial measurement error
sales[t] ~ multinomial(pred_shares[t]');
# run model ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile Stan function to check that it generates sensible shares
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
data_list <- list(NS = NS,
J = J,
T = T,
P = P,
z = z,
price = price_mat,
sales = sales,
X_repeat = X_long,
mkt_sizes = as.vector(market_size))
# Compile the model
compiled_model <- stan_model("vsb.stan")
# For the sake of time, we estimate this using optimization
test_optim <- optimizing(compiled_model, data = data_list)
Now how did the model go at recapturing known demand shocks?
And how about the structural parameters?
Omegas <- test_optim$par[grepl("Omega", names(test_optim$par))]
Scales <- test_optim$par[grepl("^scale", names(test_optim$par))]
pars <- c(test_optim$par[1:(P+1)], Omegas, Scales)
true_values <- c(alpha, beta, as.vector(Omega), scales)
data_frame(Estimates = pars,
`True values` = true_values,
Parameter = c("alpha", rep("beta", P), rep("Omega", (P+1)^2), rep("scale", P+1) )) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = `True values`, y = Estimates)) +
geom_point(aes(colour = Parameter)) +
geom_abline(aes(intercept = 0, slope = 1)) +
theme_economist() +
labs(title = "Estimates and true values\nof structural parameters")
Voila!. That ran in about 25 seconds.
What we’ve done above is shown that it can be extremely simple to express a random coefficients logit model with measurement error using a latent factor approach, and importantly, without any instruments. This is a pretty radical departure from the most popular methods in the literature.
The other big advantage is that, given you have enough computation time, the model can be estimated using Bayesian techniques. In the code above, we could do this by using
rather than optimizing
. With the current code, this is quite slow, but does generate robust parameter estimates. If your decision problem requires genuine estimates of uncertainty around the structural parameters, I’d recommend experimenting using optimization, and then using HMC (sampling
) for the production run of the model. In my experiments, I’ve found they generate similar point-estimates.
If you’ve any comments, please get in touch.
Tiny error. In the fake data code, it says "T <- 50 # 20 markets".
ReplyDeleteGood catch Fred! The bigger problem I think is that a lognormal model of price can give rise to some unstable DGPs--is probably not right.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete// model of price -- this helps pin down xi
ReplyDeleteto_vector(price') ~ lognormal(gamma0 + X_repeat * gamma + lambda * to_vector(xi'), price_scale);
I just suspect in the pricing function if we add the intercept "gamma0", then we may encounter not identification problem. The reason is "lambda * to_vector(xi')" is also unknown. What do you think?
Thanks, will clarify in the next version of this post.
DeleteOh, I check that your utility excludes the intercept, so in this case you do not have identification problem. It seems that for your control function approach, either the utility or the pricing function can have intercept but not both. What do you think?
ReplyDeleteAlfred -- thanks. I'm planning on writing an updated version of this that includes a more structural supply-side model (similar to the Allenby Chen and Yang paper). You can see something similar here: http://rpubs.com/jimsavage/sawtoothcon
DeleteIs this the same as Jiang et al. 2009 Journal of Econometrics paper?
ReplyDeleteOh I see. They assume \xi~N(0,\sigma_xi). If I follow their approach (with no price modeling, i.e. xi is not derived from the lognormal distribution but the normal), will the Stan code do BLP operators to in order to get xi? Thank you!
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