Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A brief introduction to Dynamic Factor Models in Stan


  1. Thanks for the post. Just one comment. The dynamic factor is a monthly variable, but GDP is a quarterly variable, which should be be a function of current and past values of the factor. Don't know much about Stan, but I assume your Stan code should look like

    Y[t,p] ~ normal(xhat[t]*gamma[p],1);

    for unemployment and

    Y[t,p] ~ normal(1/3*(xhat[t]+xhat[t-1]+xhat[t-2])*gamma[p],1)

    for GDP (I have used a linear approximation).

  2. Hey Tim, thanks for your comment. I thought I'd escaped this issue by expressing everything as annual growth rates, but thinking about it some more I'm not so sure. Will fix it up!

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  4. To be honest I overlooked the fact that you are calculating year on year changes. I think the way you did it now is correct. Quarterly GDP, Y[t]^q=Y[t]^m+Y[t-1]^m+Y[t-2]^m, where Y[t]^m is the monthly flow of GDP. The year-on-year growth rate is


    From we can get to an expression where the quarterly growth rate is a weighted average of the past three periods of year-on-year monthly growth rates. Approximate the weights by using 1/3, and we get (Y[t]^q-Y[t-12]^q)/Y[t-12]^q=1/3(f[t]+f[t-1]+f[t-2]).

    Given the new specification perhaps it is better to have month-on-month growth rates for employment and quarter-on-quarter growth rates for GDP. One should detect turning points sooner, than the other, no?

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  6. I just stumbled across your model. I've been wrangling in some ecologic time series data into it. I was able to pull the factor loadings out with a slight modification to your code:

    # Factor loadings
    summarised_factors <- %>%
    select(contains("gamma_")) %>%
    melt() %>%
    group_by(variable) %>%
    summarise(median = median(value),
    lower = quantile(value, 0.025),
    upper = quantile(value, 0.975))

    I was digging through your model code. Does this model allow for multiple trends or just a single trend? My guess is a single common trend.

    Thanks for sharing this.

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